Quartz Caesarstone Zodiac Silestone Cambria Countertops Manayunk:
The Best Countertops for a Better Kitchen Decor
Due to its high proportion of quartz based stone that is virtually scratch and cut resistant.
Quartz compositeisbased stonethatconsists of 93% natural quartz.Quartz isone of the hardestnext to diamondraw materials. Throughthe incorporationof dyesand possiblysmallglass ormirror piecesare achievednobleeffects.Polishedquartz compositelooks very elegantand exclusive.
Quartz is non-porous, has a closed surface and there fore must not be treated. Quartz is only partially heat- resistant, so it is recommended to use a saucer to prevent thermal shock or discoloration. Due to its high proportion of quartz based Manayunk Quartz countertops, are virtually scratch and cut resistant.
Quartz composite Leather: through special processing it has a leather-like surface that looks very modern and exclusive.
Silestone countertops – Innovation meets natural beauty
Quartz is the main component of countertops and surfaces by Silestone, designed specifically for the kitchen, but also for the bath. The particular hardness of quartz (hardness 7 on the Mohs scale) makes the Silestone countertops 19127 impervious to scratches, acids and moisture penetration. Hardness 7 mean that quartz is harder than glass.
The natural beauty of silestone kitchen countertops and surfaces gets her individual expression through the various colour design possibilities and textures – up to the natural stone look. Perfect design, which allows not only for large kitchens a harmonious design. A silestone furniture can add a lot to the surroundings in your kitchen and we assure you of this.

Benefits of quartz countertops and surfaces
Silestone quartz kitchen countertops
A natural product always has its own character and a vibrant aura. Wood, natural stone or quartz just like playing in League: Natural Beauty. The special lustre and brilliant sparkle make a distinctive, almost magical impression – this is due to the crystalline form of quartz, the optical effect is maintained during processing. Silestone creates a new dimension in the elegant kitchen equipment. The design variants impress even the most discerning individualists – as can be Silestone products customized to fit the decor and interior design. The ones like the Manayunk Zodiac countertops also have these features and are equally favoured. With these you are never going to worry about your kitchen decor.
More on the excellent features and advantages of the quartz:
The tightness of the quartz kitchen countertops creates a surface resistance, which protects against minor accidents during the cooking life, be it lemon juice, olive oil, vinegar or wine. Through a vibrio-compaction system, a high -impact protection is also achieved in the production that exceeds the conventional resistance of surfaces in these application areas – this makes an easy-going work with kitchen utensils, pots and pans possible. Special care products thereby obtained the natural shine – lifetime of a kitchen. Thus, endowed with so many features, these are perfect for your kitchen decor. Once you have availed our services you are never going to worry about any other consequences.